
1                     INtroduction                                                                                                             

1.1                  Background                                                                                                             

1.2                  Objective of the EIA Study                                                                                 

1.3                  Organisation of the Report                                                                             

2                     Project Description                                                                                             

2.1                  Introduction                                                                                                             

2.2                  Site Description                                                                                                       

2.3                  Site History                                                                                                                

2.4                  Need For the Project                                                                                          

2.5                  Consideration of Alternative Design Options                                        

2.6                  Project Description                                                                                             

2.7                  Concurrent Project                                                                                           

3                     Cultural heritage                                                                                               

3.1                  Introduction                                                                                                           

3.2                  Relevant Legislation and Guidelines                                                         

3.3                  Assessment Methodology                                                                               

3.4                  Baseline History                                                                                                    

3.5                  Potential Sources of Impact                                                                         

3.6                  Impact Assessment                                                                                              

3.7                  Conservation Policy and Mitigation Measures                                     

3.8                  Residual Impact                                                                                                     

3.9                  Environmental Monitoring and Audit                                                        


4                     LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT                                              

4.1                  Introduction                                                                                                           

4.2                  Environmental Legislation & Guidelines                                                  

4.3                  Planning and Development Control Framework                               

4.4                  Impact Assessment Methodology                                                               

4.5                  Project Description                                                                                            

4.6                  Baseline Study                                                                                                       

4.7                  Impact Assessment                                                                                              

4.8                  Cumulative Impacts                                                                                             

4.9                  EM&A                                                                                                                            

4.10                Conclusions                                                                                                            


 5                    Noise Impact Assessment                                                                            

5.1                  Introduction                                                                                                     

5.2                  Baseline Conditions                                                                                       

5.3                   Legislative Framework                                                                                             

5.4                   Noise Sensitive Receivers                                                                                         

5.5                   Potential Sources of Impact                                                                                 

5.6                   Assessment Methodology                                                                                      

5.7                   Construction Phase Impact                                                                                    

5.8                   Operation Phase Impact                                                                                            

5.9                   Mitigation Measures                                                                                                   

5.10                 Cumulative Impact                                                                                                       

5.11                 Residual Impact                                                                                                             

5.12                 Environmental Monitoring and Audit                                                                

5.13                 Conclusions                                                                                                                   

6                      Air Quality Impact                                                                                                         

6.1                   Introduction                                                                                                                   

6.2                   Legislation Requirement and Evaluation Criteria                                     

6.3                   Baseline Condition and Background Air Quality                                        

6.4                   Identification of air Sensitive Receivers                                                          

6.5                   Evaluation of Impacts during Construction Phase                                  

6.6                   Evaluation of Impacts during Operation Phase                                          

6.7                   Cumulative Impacts                                                                                                     

6.8                   Mitigation Measures                                                                                                   

6.9                   Residual Impacts                                                                                                          

6.10                 Environmental Monitoring and Audit                                                                

6.11                 Conclusions                                                                                                                   

7                      WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT                                                                                     

7.1                   Introduction                                                                                                                   

7.2                   Legislation and Standards                                                                                    

7.3                   Water Quality Sensitive Receivers and Baseline Conditions                 

7.4                   Potential Sources of Water Quality Impacts                                               

7.5                   Water Quality Impacts Assessment                                                                    

7.6                   Water Quality Mitigation Measures                                                                   

7.7                   Residual Environmental Impacts                                                                         

7.8                   Environmental Monitoring and Audit                                                                

7.9                   Conclusion                                                                                                                      

8                      WASTE MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS                                                                          

8.1                   Introduction                                                                                                                   

8.2                   Legislation Requirements and Evaluation Criteria                                  

8.3                   Expected Waste Arisings During the Construction Phase                    

8.4                   Expected Waste Arisings During Operation Phase                                     

8.5                   Mitigation Measures                                                                                                   

8.6                   Residual Environmental Impacts                                                                         

8.7                   Environmental Monitoring and Audit                                                                

8.8                   Conclusions                                                                                                                   

9                     Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements                         

9.1                  Introduction                                                                                                           

9.2                  EM&A Manual                                                                                                           

9.3                  Cultural Heritage                                                                                               

9.4                  Landscape and Visual                                                                                        

9.5                  Air Quality                                                                                                                

9.6                  Noise                                                                                                                            

9.7                  Water Quality                                                                                                         

9.8                  Waste Management                                                                                             

10                   Conclusions and Summary of Environmental Outcomes               

10.1                Conclusions                                                                                                            

10.2                EM&A Requirement                                                                                                

10.3                Overall Conclusion                                                                                           

10.4                Summary of Environmental Outcomes                                                     




Annex A1    Built Heritage Resources within CPS –Detailed Baseline Studies and Impact Assessments

Annex A2    Drawings of Proposed Modification Works at Existing Buildings

Annex A3    Ground Penetration Radar Survey Report

Annex A4    Heritage Operation Strategies, Manual and Implementation Programme

Annex A5    Interpretation Plan

Annex A6    Conservation Management Plan

Annex B     Supporting Information for Noise Impact Assessment

Annex C      Sewerage Impact Assessment Report

Annex D      Key Assumptions

Annex E      Implementation Schedule


List of Tables


Table 2.1

Environmental Benefits and Dis-Benefits of Key Design Aspects

Table 2.2

Proposed Uses in CPS


Proposed Modification/Refurbishment Works in CPS

Table 3.1

Built Heritage Resources within the Site

Table 3.2

Details of Hollywood Road

Table 3.3

Details of Old Bailey Street

Table 3.4

Details of Chancery Lane

Table 3.5

Details of Chancery Lane Steps

Table 3.6

Details of Arbuthnot Road

Table 3.7

Details of Pottinger Street

Table 3.8

Details of Walls (and Potential Tunnel) at Old Bailey Street

Table 3.9

Details of No. 20 Hollywood Road

Table 3.10

Summary of the Assessment for Building No. 01

Table 3.11

Summary of the Assessment for Building No. 02

Table 3.12

Summary of the Assessment for Building No. 03

Table 3.13

Summary of the Assessment for Building No. 04

Table 3.14

Summary of the Assessment for Building No. 05

Table 3.15

Summary of the Assessment for Building No. 06

Table 3.16

Summary of the Assessment for Building No. 07

Table 3.17

Summary of the Assessment for Building No. 08

Table 3.18

Summary of the Assessment for Building No. 09

Table 3.19

Summary of the Assessment for Building No. 10

Table 3.20

Summary of the Assessment for Building No. 11

Table 3.21

Summary of the Assessment for Building No. 12

Table 3.22

Summary of the Assessment for Building No. 13

Table 3.23

Summary of the Assessment for Building No. 14

Table 3.24

Summary of the Assessment for Building No. 15

Table 3.25

Summary of the Assessment for Building No. 16

Table 3.26

Summary of the Assessment for Building No. 17

Table 3.27

Summary of the Assessment for Building No. 18

Table 3.28

Summary of the Assessment for Building No. 19

Table 3.29

Summary of the Assessment for Parade Ground

Table 3.30

Summary of the Assessment for Prison Yard

Table 3.31

Summary of the Assessment for Walls and Revetments

Table 3.32

Summary of Impact Assessment for Other Built Heritage Resources within 50m but Outside the Site

Table 4.1

Impact Significance of Landscape or Visual Impact

Table 4.2

Attributes of New Construction within the Site

Table 4.3

Trees within the Project Site

Table 4.4

Sensitivity of Visually Sensitive Receivers

Table 4.5

Proposed Landscape Mitigation Measures

Table 4.6

Magnitude of Impact on LRs and LCAs affected by the Project, Before Mitigation

Table 4.7

Significance of Landscape Impacts in Construction and Operation Phases, before and after Mitigation

Table 4.8

Magnitude of Impact on VSRs affected by the Project

Table 4.9

Significance of Visual Impacts in Construction and Operation Phases, before and upon Mitigation

Table 5.1

Measured Prevailing Background Noise Levels

Table 5.2

EIAO-TM Day-time Construction Noise Standards

Table 5.3

Area Sensitivity Ratings

Table 5.4

Basic Noise Levels for General Construction Works

Table 5.5

ANLs depending on the ASR

Table 5.6

Operational Noise Criteria

Table 5.7

Representative Noise Sensitive Receivers (NSRs)

Table 5.8

Predicted Construction Noise Levels during Day-time Period (Without Mitigation)

Table 5.9

Predicted Operational Noise Levels during Day-time / Evening Time Period

Table 5.10

Predicted Operational Noise Levels during Night-time Period

Table 5.11

Maximum Allowable Sound Power Level of Fixed Plant Noise Sources

Table 5.12

Sound Power Level of Quiet PME

Table 5.13

Predicted Construction Noise Levels during Day-time Period (With Mitigation)

Table 6.1

Hong Kong Air Quality Objective

Table 6.2

Background Air Quality

Table 6.3

Identified Representative Air Sensitive Receivers

Table 7.1

Water Quality Objectives for Victoria Harbour (Phase Three) Water Control Zone

Table 7.2

Summary of Water Quality Statistics for Victoria Harbour (Phase Three)

Table 7.3

Water Sensitive Receivers

Table 8.1

Government Waste Disposal Facilities for Construction Waste

Table 8.2

Excavated Materials Generation during Construction

Table 8.3

GFA of Major Buildings and Structures to be Constructed

Table 8.4

Summary of Waste Arisings and Disposal Location

Table 9.1

Summary of EM&A Requirements

Table 10.1

Impact Summary



List of Figures

Figure 2.1

Project Location

Figure 2.2

Declared Monuments within the Project Site

Figure 2.3

Key Features of Scheme A

Figure 2.4

Key Features of Scheme B

Figure 2.5

Study on Existing Site Material for Façade Proposal

Figure 2.6

Conceptual Design of Footbridge

Figure 2.7

Site Connectivity

Figure 2.8

Tentative Construction Programme

Figure 2.9

Massing and Volume Definition of New Buildings

Figure 2.10

Design of New Buildings and Upper Courtyard

Figure 2.11

Site Plan

Figure 2.12

Proposed Master Layout Level 31.6 to 41.6

Figure 2.13

Proposed Master Layout Level 41.6 to 45.3

Figure 2.14

Proposed Master Layout Level 45.3 to 48.6

Figure 2.15

Proposed Master Layout Level 48.6 to 52.4

Figure 2.16

Proposed Master Layout Level 52.4 to 57.1

Figure 2.17

Proposed Master Layout Level 57.1 to 61.3

Figure 2.18

Proposed Master Layout Level 61.3 to 68.0

Figure 2.19

Proposed Master Layout Level 69.335

Figure 2.20

Proposed Master Layout Level 73.165

Figure 2.21

Proposed Master Layout Level 76.995 to 80.000

Figure 2.22

Proposed Master Layout Section A-A & B-B

Figure 2.23

Proposed Master Layout Section C-C & D-D

Figure 2.24

Proposed Master Layout Section E-E & F-F

Figure 2.25

Location of Concurrent Project

Figure 3.1

Map Showing Location of GPR Survey for the Site Adapted from plan by FT Laboratories Ltd.

Figure 3.2

View overlooking the site in 1895, showing the radial plan prison, the Married Inspectors’ Quarters and Deputy Superintendent’s House (Building 04), the original Magistracy, and the Superintendent’s House (10) behind that

Figure 3.3

View looking into the Victoria Gaol radial plan prison c.1895, showing the laundry yard area and D Hall

Figure 3.4

Photograph of Central Hong Kong taken from the Peak c.1946-47 by Hedda Morrison. The site is shown highlighted in red, with the central tower and south wing of the radial plan prison still in place

Figure 3.5


Figure 3.6


Figure 3.7


Figure 3.8


Figure 3.9


Figure 3.10


Figure 3.11


Figure 3.12


Figure 3.13

Master Layout Plan showing all Identified Cultural Herltage Items in the CHIA STUDY AREA

Figure 3.14

Geology of the Project Site and Adjacent Area

Figure 3.15

Historic Maps of the Project Site and Its Adjacent Area

Figure 3.16

Ten Areas with Archaeological Potential

Figure 3.17

Areas (in Yellow) Involve Soll Excavation Works

Figure 4.1

Baseline Landscape Resources

Figure 4.2

Photorecord of Various Landscape Resources

Figure 4.3

Baseline Landscape & Visual Character Areas

Figure 4.4

Photorecord of Various Landscape Character Areas

Figure 4.5

Trees within the Project Site including Proposal Treatments and Photorecord of Trees

Figure 4.6

Visual Envelope for Visual Impact Assessment

Figure 4.7

Location Plan of Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSRs)/ Vantage Points (VPs) outside Site

Figure 4.8a

Landscape Master Plan showing Key Mitigation Measures

Figure 4.8b

Photomontage illustrating view from Prison Yard with proposal Landscaping and Design Features

Figure 4.9

Photomontage from VPa and VPf (Central/ Mid-Levels Escalator above Hollywood Road) (Street Level at Hollywood Road/Pottinger Street Junction)

Figure 4.10

Photomontage from VPb (Medium/ High Level Commercial/Residential Building(s) above Hollywood Road)

Figure 4.11

Photomontage from VPc (Street Level at The Centrium on Arbuthnot Road)

Figure 4.12

Photomontage from VPd (Medium/High Rise Level Residential Building(s) on Chancery Lane)

Figure 4.13

Photomontage from VPe (Street Level at Old Bailey Street/ Chancery Lane Junction)

Figure 4.14

Day and Night Time Views towards Project Site at Operation*

Figure 5.1

Study Area for Noise Impact Assessment

Figure 5.2

Location of Representative Noise Sensitive Receivers and Background Noise Measurement Locations

Figure 6.1

Study Area and Representative Air Sensitive Receivers for Air Quality Impact Assessment

Figure 6.2

Locations of Operating Stacks within Study Area

Figure 7.1

Locations of Water Sensitive Receivers